(Our Machine Ref No: MM-MC1)

Mass production Machine of 'Skin-Ribbon'-based 'Tape-In Hair'
We may name it 'Skin Hair', 'Skin-based Hair', 'Skin-Ribbon (-based) Hair', Skin Weft' in the view poit of a hairpiece factory.

Adhesive Double-sided Tape can be automatically attached to one side of the Tape Hair produced on our machine if we install a roll of adhesive tape on this machine. Then, We may name (call) this finished product 'Tape-On Skin Weft', or (Adhesive-) Tape-On Hair(-piece)', '(Adhesive-) Tape-On Hair Extension', (Adhesive-) Tape-On Skin Weft'.

(Machine Ref No: MM-MC1)

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